Are you listening to words that put you down?
Be assured you are gonna be downcast..
Are you listening to words that excite and enlighten you?
Be assured of long lasting excitement and enlightenment
Are you listening to people with negative thoughts and words?
Be sure to have a negative mind and deceitful friendship....
Are you listening to people with positive/good thoughts and words?
Be sure to have a positive and progressive mind, topped with a truthful and reliable friendship.....
The words from the heart that proceed outta the mouth are as sharp as a brand new knife if not sharper...they can make or break one!
Positive thoughts produce a positive being/personality, gives you the knowledge of looking ahead with a positive mind..
Words and people that add value to your life make you a very much inspired person that makes a great impact wherever you go!
So hence the question.....What are you listening to? Who are you listening to?
Please give it a thought!
Lots of love,
Missy Tee....